Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Google's Caffeine at Work

Back in June, Google introduced their newest search index with the capability to update on the go. Essentially this helps your searches find the most recent documents that match your search the best. I wanted to test this out and so I put the title of my latest blog post "Dashcode and Eclipse" into the Google search bar and was quite surprised at what came up. You see, this afternoon, my friend Scott posted an article on his blog, "The Low-Tech World," about my blog, which included a reference to my latest blog post. So when I typed enter on my search, his blog came to the top (see the pic below). I call that some snappy indexing. I just hope that after this post, searching for "The Low-Tech World" will soon show my blog instead of his. That would be a nice return for Large Marge.


Daniel said...

Very nice!

Brandon Brooks said...

Success! Well partial success. While searching for "The Low Tech World" still brings Scott's blog to the top in a normal search, if you click on blogs along the left of the same Google search, this post comes to the top." Pretty nifty if you ask me.

Daniel said...


Scott Hales said...

Why am I only finding out about this post now?

By the way, I was looking at your newer posts, and I still think you should insert more hyperlinks. My theory is that people are essentially narcissistic, and they use websites like Google Analytics to find out who is creating links to their pages. Basically, the idea is that if you link up to something they've written, they'll be more likely to investigate who you are and read what you've written.